Do you see more skin irritation when the weather is wet? Or if your horse is prone to sweating promoting wet conditions under saddle or under leg protection?
Studies show that when skin comes into contact with water the risk of irritation is increased. They also show that as the temperature of water increases, irritation increases also! Here are the reasons as to why:
So how can we help our horses and ponies?
How can HUSK Air Products help?
If you want to investigate HUSK products further here are the links below:
HUSK Breathable Air Boots:
HUSK Breathable Air Saddle Pads:
The post Effect of Water on Your Horse or Pony’s Skin appeared first on TheHUSK.
“ Now I’ve used them once I’ll never stop using them. He feels so comfy to ride and his legs don’t over heat. HUSK is the best invention! ”
Chloe, England
“ I’ve just bought the boots and they are the coolest ones we’ve ever tried and in Southern Spain it’s very hot, so it’s really important. I will definitely order the pad for him! ”
Lynn, Spain
“ Obsessed and already had so many compliments! Perfect for the Texan heat!”
Morgan, Vila Ecleta Polo
“ Look at those legs… Wraps without wraps! Our horses get the best for their comfort and performance! This new technology that provides all the polo support your pony needs! ”
California Polo Club