Today we performed a very crude axe test to see which breathable horse boots were most protective? We performed impact tests on Equilibrium, Le Mieux, and HUSK Breathable Horse Boots (La Irenita Air Boots).
Did you know hard plastic can split when subjected to the force of a 5kg axe? And HUSK Breathable Boot fabric did NOT SPLIT as the fabric weaken the force by spreading it through the layers.
"Sometimes we think that the tougher the shell looks the more protection it gives you, but this experiment shows that this is not always the case. " Founder Louise
An example is why we have air bags in a car - similar concept with HUSK Breathable Horse Boots, and why we are so passionate about the fabrics that we use.
It’s 5min video on our You Tube channel, but well worth a look! We explain the basics behind what dissipation of impact should look like. A great visual!
The post Axe Test for HUSK and 4 Competitor Boots – Surprising Results! appeared first on TheHUSK.
“ Now I’ve used them once I’ll never stop using them. He feels so comfy to ride and his legs don’t over heat. HUSK is the best invention! ”
Chloe, England
“ I’ve just bought the boots and they are the coolest ones we’ve ever tried and in Southern Spain it’s very hot, so it’s really important. I will definitely order the pad for him! ”
Lynn, Spain
“ Obsessed and already had so many compliments! Perfect for the Texan heat!”
Morgan, Vila Ecleta Polo
“ Look at those legs… Wraps without wraps! Our horses get the best for their comfort and performance! This new technology that provides all the polo support your pony needs! ”
California Polo Club