Over the last few years there has a been a significant rise in the reporting of horse welfare episodes. As a result, the horse industry, which includes us as horse owners, are being driven to re evaluate our actions.
Horse & Hound Magazine new article is alerting the industry to please take action before we lose the blessing of being able to interact with horses in the future.
What could these re evaluations involve for us as horse owners?
Putting ourselves in the minds of horses and ponies and ask ourselves honestly, are our horses happy? Are we honestly doing the best we can to protect the long term health of our horses? Are our horses comfortable? Are we putting style/fashion over the needs of our horses? Are we putting our needs in front of their needs? Am I choosing the best breathable horse boots? Am I choosing the most tested breathable horse boots? Am I putting price before quality?
It's quite likely that some of the answers might not be what we want to hear, but it’s important to face these questions and answers now so we can make positive changes before it’s too late ….
When it comes to horse tack and accessories that you choose, these might be some of the questions that you would like to ask yourself.
Does your horse really need it? If the item is being used for a purpose, has the item been tested to prove it can effectively achieve its purpose? Are the tests easily accessible for the public? Why are we buying particular items? Is it to help your horse or to help you ride your horse? Is your horse comfortable and happy in that item? What are the best breathable horse boots on the market? What are the best breathable saddle pads on the market?
So many questions!
You might be aware that Founder, Louise, started HUSK, not out of the desire to create a horse wear brand, but because she could not find a quality breathable boot for her horse Tia, so instead made some herself. The boots were so revolutionary that the business started through people asking Louise to make them for their horses, and from there it grew. The HUSK breathable boots and breathable saddle pads are consistently tested using thermal imaging guns, axes, and now has many years of positive customer experience behind them, all of which is available to read on the website.
Many HUSK customers tell us that our products are the future of the equestrian world, they are eco conscious, protective, breathable, and above all proven. A great foundation to help decide which leg protection to purchase for your horses.
Check out HUSK Best Breathable Horse Boots TODAY!
The post Horse Sport Needs to Act Before it Becomes Outlawed… appeared first on TheHUSK.
“ Now I’ve used them once I’ll never stop using them. He feels so comfy to ride and his legs don’t over heat. HUSK is the best invention! ”
Chloe, England
“ I’ve just bought the boots and they are the coolest ones we’ve ever tried and in Southern Spain it’s very hot, so it’s really important. I will definitely order the pad for him! ”
Lynn, Spain
“ Obsessed and already had so many compliments! Perfect for the Texan heat!”
Morgan, Vila Ecleta Polo
“ Look at those legs… Wraps without wraps! Our horses get the best for their comfort and performance! This new technology that provides all the polo support your pony needs! ”
California Polo Club